Clean Counts Get into the habit of cleaning stuff you share with others, such as computer keyboards, phones, remote controls, countertops, etc. And remember—germs love money as much as we do, so wash your hands after those ATM pit stops.
Clean Your Humidifier During the winter months you should clean your humidifier every three days and change the water every day.8
Know When to Wash Your Hands To prevent the spread of cold and flu germs, wash your hands at the following times: after petting an animal or using any gym equipment, as well as before and after eating, treating a cut, removing your contacts, and touching doors in high-traffic areas.9
Good Old Soap Antibacterial soaps are convenient and certainly have their place, but they're no more effective than regular soap at killing germs.10 So feel free to use good old-fashioned soap and water in addition to hand sanitizer.
Hand-Washing 101Hand washing is so important that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made official guidelines! They advise people to use soap and warm water while scrubbing vigorously for at least 20 seconds.
8 The National Institutes of Health 9 The Mayo Clinic10 The Mayo Clinic
Staying Healthy
Sleep It Off Not getting enough sleep decreases your immune system's ability to fight off a cold.1 So try to get a consistent six to eight hours of sleep every night.
Winter Doesn't Make You Sick Cold weather doesn't give you a cold.2 What really causes more sickness in the winter months is the increased amount of time we spend breathing germ-infested air indoors.
Use Antibiotics SparinglyUnless you're diagnosed with an infection, avoid using antibiotics for cold or flu symptoms. For one, too-liberal use of antibiotics can give rise to antibiotic-resistant germs. And there's always the risk of unpleasant side effects.
Fight Off Airplane GermsKeep germs at bay by washing your hands often (here's where a bottle of hand sanitizer can come in real handy). And be sure to drink lots of water to combat the super-dry pressurized air.
1 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention2 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Healthy Expectations
We Get Well GraduallyGenerally speaking, a normal cold or flu lasts around five to seven days.4 If you don't start to feel better after a week, experts recommend you seek medical attention. Otherwise, over-the-counter medications should work just fine.
Know Your Sick DaysIt's not fair, but women average six bed-sick days a year. Men average four.6 Regardless, we're not alone in our misery. Every year, Americans report 1 billion colds and miss more than 50 million workdays and 60 million schooldays as a result.
Get to Know Your FeverThe University of Michigan Health System rates any fever from 100° F to 104° F as beneficial. Fevers ranging from 105° F to 107° F also are considered beneficial, but should be monitored due to higher risks of bacterial infections. Any fever greater than 107° F should be treated by a medical professional.
4 U.S. Food and Drug Administration6 The 2006 National Center for Health Statistics Survey for U.S. Adults